Psychiatrist and sexologist, one of the few Fellows of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine in Poland, cognitive-behavioural psychotherapist (certificate of the Polish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies No.…
Psychiatrist and sexologist, one of the few Fellows of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine in Poland, cognitive-behavioural psychotherapist (certificate of the Polish Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies No.…
She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University (UJ) Medical College. She is a physician taking specialist psychiatry training at the Adult Psychiatry Department of the Kraków…
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NZOZ Centrum Dobrej Terapii
ul. Zygmunta Miłkowskiego 9/U3, 30-349 Kraków
Nr rachunku bankowego:
62 8112 0008 0008 9281 2000 0040
Bank Spółdzielczy w Brzeźnicy
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NZOZ Centrum Dobrej Terapii
ul. Zygmunta Miłkowskiego 9/U3, 30-349 Kraków
Nr rachunku bankowego:
83 8112 0008 0008 9281 2000 0050
Bank Spółdzielczy w Brzeźnicy
ul. Kalwaryjska 5, 34-114 Brzeźnica