A center of psychological assistance, psychotherapeutic and psychiatric treatment.

Marcin Fedewicz MD

Marcin Fedewicz

A graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Kraków. He is currently undergoing specialist training in psychiatry at the Dr. J. Babiński Clinical Hospital in Kraków. He is also a student in the postgraduate Clinical Sexology program at SWPS University. He has gained professional experience working in psychiatric wards and mental health clinics. He continuously deepens his knowledge through participation in training, courses and conferences.

He diagnoses and treats mental health disorders, particularly:

  • Affective disorders (unipolar depression, bipolar disorder, postpartum depression, and others),
  • Anxiety disorders (formerly known as “neuroses”): various types of anxiety and phobias, including social anxiety, generalized anxiety, panic attacks, and others,
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder (formerly known as “neurotic obsessions”),
  • Stress-related, adaptive, and emotional disorders, as well as personality disorders,
  • ADHD in adults,
  • Insomnia and sleep disorders.
  • First visit: PLN 310 (60 min)
  • Next visit: PLN 200 (30 min); PLN 280 (60 min), PLN 560 (120 min)
  • First visit in English: PLN 340 (60 min)  
  • Next visit in English: PLN 240 (30 min) 
  • Prescription: PLN 90

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Dane do przelewu krajowego:

NZOZ Centrum Dobrej Terapii
ul. Zygmunta Miłkowskiego 9/U3, 30-349 Kraków

Nr rachunku bankowego:
96 8112 0008 0008 9281 2000 0010

Dane do przelewu zagranicznego w EUR:

NZOZ Centrum Dobrej Terapii
ul. Zygmunta Miłkowskiego 9/U3, 30-349 Kraków

Nr rachunku bankowego:
62 8112 0008 0008 9281 2000 0040

Bank Spółdzielczy w Brzeźnicy
ul. Kalwaryjska 5, 34-114 Brzeźnica

Dane do przelewu zagranicznego w USD:

NZOZ Centrum Dobrej Terapii
ul. Zygmunta Miłkowskiego 9/U3, 30-349 Kraków

Nr rachunku bankowego:
83 8112 0008 0008 9281 2000 0050

Bank Spółdzielczy w Brzeźnicy
ul. Kalwaryjska 5, 34-114 Brzeźnica