A center of psychological assistance, psychotherapeutic and psychiatric treatment.

Eve Krawczyk MD

Eve Krawczyk

Born and raised in Canada, she relocated to Poland as an adult where she graduated with honours from the School of Medicine in English at the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Cracow. Currently, she is completing her adult psychiatry residency training at the Clinical Department of Adult, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at the University Hospital in Cracow, where she is acquiring professional experience by working in both inpatient and outpatient units, as well as fulfilling on-call shifts. She is continuously updating her medical knowledge through participation in various courses, trainings, and conferences. She is a member of the Polish Psychiatric Association. Additionally, she works for the scientific journal Psychiatria Polska, where she edits articles written in English.

Areas of clinical interest:
– Mood disorders,
– Anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety, phobias, including social phobia, panic attacks),
– Obsessive-compulsive disorder,
– Adjustment disorder,
– Personality disorders,
– Sleep disorders.

Hobbies: long walks, board games, and traveling.

  • First visit: PLN 320 (60 min)
  • Next visit: PLN 200 (30 min)
  • First visit in English: PLN 350 (60 min)  
  • Next visit in English: PLN 230 (30 min) 
  • Prescription: PLN 90

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ul. Zygmunta Miłkowskiego 9/U3, 30-349 Kraków

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96 8112 0008 0008 9281 2000 0010

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NZOZ Centrum Dobrej Terapii
ul. Zygmunta Miłkowskiego 9/U3, 30-349 Kraków

Nr rachunku bankowego:
62 8112 0008 0008 9281 2000 0040

Bank Spółdzielczy w Brzeźnicy
ul. Kalwaryjska 5, 34-114 Brzeźnica

Dane do przelewu zagranicznego w USD:

NZOZ Centrum Dobrej Terapii
ul. Zygmunta Miłkowskiego 9/U3, 30-349 Kraków

Nr rachunku bankowego:
83 8112 0008 0008 9281 2000 0050

Bank Spółdzielczy w Brzeźnicy
ul. Kalwaryjska 5, 34-114 Brzeźnica