A center of psychological assistance, psychotherapeutic and psychiatric treatment.

Anna Cwojdzińska PhD

Anna Cwojdzińska

I am a psychologist with extensive training in systemic therapy and over 10 years of experience working with clients in various contexts. I completed my Masters in psychology at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Poland, in 2007, and I did my PhD at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, Poland, in 2019. My training in psychotherapy included basic (130h) and advanced (168h) training in systemic therapy (qualifications for individual, couples, family, and group therapy) at Wielkopolskie Towarzystwo Terapii Systemowej. As a part of this training, I also took part in self-development workshops in a group format and individual therapy sessions. I also completed additional courses in parental coaching and systemic therapy for children and adolescents.

I have gained professional experience by collaborating with institutions offering various forms of psychological help. For many years I collaborated with mental health outpatient clinics in Poznan and worked with families in my private practice. Currently, I collaborate with Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań and volunteer with the international organization Women In Data as a mentor and coach.

In my work always do my best to acknowledge the broader context of who we are (both, the client and myself). To be aware of the meaning of social interactions, opportunities and pressures we experience, and challenges we face – as unique individuals, but also as members of families, communities, and societies. Our lives are embedded in a web of connections with nature, our bodies, emotions, thoughts and ideas, material things, dozens of activities, and hundreds of people. I see looking for the nurturing connections, as important in my meetings with clients, as they can help them “grow, […] undiverted, toward self-realization”.

This is important to note – the moment we start working together I see us as a team heading towards a shared goal. It will depend on both of us if we reach it, so your active participation and engagement are necessary. I encourage process-related activity in between meetings. I strongly believe that if both, you and I, are immersed in the change-related mindset outside of our one-to-ones, the progress will not only be more stable over time but will have a better chance of being permanent.

At the Centrum Dobrej Terapii, I work individually with adults experiencing various life crises – ones related to self-development and growth, career change, move, divorce, and grief. Additionally, I work with clients experiencing symptoms of depressive mood, anxiety, eating disorders, and ADHD.

Please note that in the online setting, I do not work with suicidal clients, ones with auto-destructive behaviors, psychotic disorders, or clients with personality disorders.

  • Individual consultation in English: 65 €

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96 8112 0008 0008 9281 2000 0010

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NZOZ Centrum Dobrej Terapii
ul. Zygmunta Miłkowskiego 9/U3, 30-349 Kraków

Nr rachunku bankowego:
62 8112 0008 0008 9281 2000 0040

Bank Spółdzielczy w Brzeźnicy
ul. Kalwaryjska 5, 34-114 Brzeźnica

Dane do przelewu zagranicznego w USD:

NZOZ Centrum Dobrej Terapii
ul. Zygmunta Miłkowskiego 9/U3, 30-349 Kraków

Nr rachunku bankowego:
83 8112 0008 0008 9281 2000 0050

Bank Spółdzielczy w Brzeźnicy
ul. Kalwaryjska 5, 34-114 Brzeźnica